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Team Member Spotlight: Jared

Team Member Spotlight: Jared

Published: August 2nd, 2019

Meet Jared James a relatively new member to our team in Temple. Jared began with us in February 2019 as a Game Room Attendant and now also helps us as a Guest Service Representative and Facilities Technician. He's a bit of a perfectionist but does his absolute best to keep a smile on his face and give his guests a great experience.

Jared enjoys video games, bowling (he's working towards a 200 average), disc golf and loves Marvel and Supernatural. He's very punctual and has shown great dedication in his time with us, no doubt some traits he picked up with his time in the Army.

Jared's goal is to work his way to a Shift Manager position and continue to grow with our company. His advice to fellow team members is to infect others with good energy and happiness. Jared excels at spreading happiness to our guests and is always good for a great laugh. We appreciate his hard work and hope this inspires others to follow his example!